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sportlifeone AG | Zürcherstrasse 310 | CH - 8500 Frauenfeld

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Your hard-earned money as a professional athlete belongs to you alone. Use it carefully, don’t throw it out of the window straight away. Set up a savings plan that fits your current and future life situation so that your assets can grow. This will make it easier for you to start the next phase of your life after your sports career.


Roger Bigger, owner:
«We secure your assets during your career and increase them sustainably. Thanks to a personalised financial and real estate investment strategy.»

2004 Cup victory FC Wil
2009 Chief Financial Officer of the SFL

Was wir dir bieten...

  • Independent, bank-neutral investment advice
  • Neutral pension and financial planning
  • Indirect real estate investments up to CHF 500’000
  • Direct real estate projects from CHF 500’000
  • Real estate portfolio development